The Online Case Management and client relationship suite will serve two functions. The first is to enable lawyers and case managers to keep on top of their case files. Developed for professionals across the whole spectrum of legal services, and in firms of all shapes and sizes. It can be used both as a departmental system, or as a practice wide backbone to all your case related activities. With standardised industry functions, from attendances to accounts, you can ensure that your case files are operated according to your governing body’s rules.
The essence of the online software is to ensure that you can cut costs, carry out your functions and ensure that your practice is simplified for you to be able to carry out work in bulk or individually.
The Suite’s other main function is to easily assist in your current operations with your clients. It sets diaries, allows for both client and partner interactions and ensures that your clients are kept up to date with developments on their cases. You control what and when parties to the matter can see access and edit.
With the Legal Services Bill now in act, the our legal case management system will assist in ensuring that you don’t get left behind with the ‘Tesco Laws’ effects.
At present we have not named the new system and we invite everyone to submit suggestions on a name at out twitter account by going to Twitter and submitting your suggestions at #NameGioCCMS
Our 12 month free use offer can also be subscribed to by visiting our website at and sign up to get your free use when launched. The free use offer is only open to the first 25 people who request the free trial so be sure to be quick.